Reaping Chakram. Slap on Augmented Rollers to kill Hordes. Press J to jump to the feed. While Suda's hatred of destruction seems. Then I thought Nekros could benefit from it to keep Subsumed abilities going. cast 3 in crowd that can shoot u for damage reduc ofc. I use an Ignis Wraith which I use for busting nullifiers, which usually. With reaping chakram you'll never want for health orbs. It boosts the health significantly, allowing Nezha to sustain longer and overcome his low health pool. So really, just his 1 and 2 then. Great job to the entire team, both concept wise and animation…Stretch, Augur Reach, (Primed) Flow, Natural Talent, Safeguard or Reaping Chakram instead of Augur Secrets. Currently there is "0" sources to get the item from. We subsume a CC ability that groups enemies together to make better use of a charged [Reaping Chakram]. Each enemy has a chance of. I switched Fire Walker with Rift surge from wisp (more Damage and stuns Enemys), so i have no Problems in SP (or somewear else) with Nezha. when using reaping chakram), and all 10 enemies impaled dead, and sometimes it just flies whoever knows where, not even hitting first impaled target (and yes, I wear glasses), just to return in few. Reaping Chakram augmented 2 being able to bounce while still having the damage scaling means even at level 100+ it can still do sizeable amounts of damage when paired with his four for the multispawn synergy. Each chakram will only hit each enemy once (except charged chakram which. Orokin Reactor. Reaping Chakram (Nezha's new augment, which would be extremely good if you decided to use Equilibrium I think) Augur Message. You can aquire "Reaping Chakram" by farming these locations, npc or missions. Safeguard: NO Personal buff. I started using Equilibrium about 2 months ago. Polarity: Zenurik (=). While Gloom is the featured subsume here, many other options are feasible and be fit onto the same build either with the same mods or with. Nidus: I honestly don't think any of his augments are must-haves, but they're all decent. His Halo provides 4 seconds of invulnerability total and 98% damage reduction with 3 stacks of Health Conversion. Sure, his abilities aren't the nuke type of dps, but the damage vulnerability on enemies hit by his chakram is wonderful, and with {reaping chakram} equipped, the chakram itself on a group of speared enemies. [WARFRAME] Surging Chakram NEZHA | vs Level 5000+ | Steel Path - Hard Mode Survival | MILLIONS OF DAMAGE!-----What's good folks?!I. Blazing Chakram Augment: Each enemy hit increases the ring's Damage by ?x and the chance for enemies to drop Health Orbs on death by +?x. . First match I saw fire accuracy at something like 1113%, I didn't really look at the number much. Momentum C Bronze 3p 3. 4 years ago. Business, Economics, and Finance. His fire is the clarion of hope. Pleasantly surprised by Reaping Chakram. Reaping Chakram is a Warframe Augment Mod for Nezha that causes the projectile of Blazing Chakram to increase the caused damage for each enemy hit by the attack. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsEquilibrium and Reaping Chakram work surprisingly well together. ”. #warframe #nezhaprimeCome and hangout on one of my twitch streams: the channel by becoming a patron: frames have their own way to regenerate energy : Trinity with Energy Vampire, Hyldrin with Aegis Storm (energy orb drop), Titania with Spellbound Harvest, Limbo in his rift (2energy/second+10 enery/inside rift kill), Garuda with Bloodletting, Gara, with Spectrosiphon aug mod (said above), Harrow with Thurible, Nezha with. I've tried Equilibrium, plus Health conversion plus Reaping Chakram; it's more of a meme build to be honest, but it ensures health orbs. Armor Strip + Reaping Chakram - 5 Forma Nezha Prime build by kingrana - Updated for Warframe 32. Best used if you can get the Augment 'Reaping Chakram" from a clanmate or traders. Blazing chakram is an incredibly janky mobility ability, but one of the best damage buffs in the game. I even tried killing isolated grineer enemies in railjack missions and I have been noticing they dont drop any health orbs at all?You can aquire "Reaping Chakram" by farming these locations, npc or missions. [deleted] • 2 yr. I have builds centered around reaping chakram, safeguard, and pyroclastic flame. They seek to undermine the entrenched beliefs of. What are some of his more popular or effective…Nothing specific for the chakram from me, for the Nezha himself I would go with power strengh, duration, stretch, reaping chakram, health conversion, equilibrium. I've been playing Nezha recently, and just have a few ideas for some very slight tweaks to improve his kit. Nezha Dracun Skin. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch. Put Synth Fiber and Vaccum on a sentinel. Reaping Chakram. The ring on his back (which is utilized when casting Blazing Chakram) is known as the Universe Ring while the spears summoned by casting Divine Spears seem to be derived from the Fire-tipped Spear. If you think the fun stops there, we are just getting started. Vauban, Crowd Control (Bastille/Vortex, Tether Coil, Tesla Nervos), DPS (Flechete Orb, Photon Stike, Tesla Bank), Buffing (Overdriver) Debuffing (Bastille)I prefer Reaping Chakram as it is a nice why to make sure you're topped up on health, especially since the damage boost you get from the base ability is good enough that you should be using it anyways. Streamline, on the other hand, can be used to improve ability efficiency in general. It's still way more than necessary to take care of steel path enemies though. The duplicated charged chakrams also only fly straight, so it tends to make a lot less duplicates. 5x and the chance for enemies to drop Health Orbs on death by +0. You see where I'm going with this. 5-10. For the builds using Blazing Chakram ability, Reaping Chakram can be an option. You have 2 ways to build his tank: 1) Around damage mitigation, which means 10% of damage gets through. Losing unlimited health and energy orbs is just not worth it for my play style. Enemies don't seem to be affected by the stamina reduction. Reaping Chakram. The damage and healing scales exponentially,. Adaptation is a plus but not as useful as in other tanky warframes IMHO as it does not help mitigating the damage on the halo, so more armor would always help. Nezha’s multifaceted tactics give him high survivability as he inflicts damage and provides crowd control. RedXDD •. 3) 10 4 105,920. 3. Blazing Chakram Augment: Each enemy hit increases the ring's Damage by ?x and the chance for enemies to drop Health Orbs on death by +?x. 2 Forma - Reaping Chakram. Welcome (Back) to Warframe! “The Zariman cries out. ago. I can put a Saryn to shame in a Hydron match! Nezha is a favourite of mine. By virtue of Pyroclastic Flow and the Arcane Guardian I've got equipped, I don't need power strength, and instead opted to equip Constitution and Streamline. Today I will show you Nezha Reaping Chakram Build that I’ve been using ever since they did the revisit. Blazing Chakram Augment: Each enemy hit increases the ring's Damage by ?x and the chance for enemies to drop Health Orbs on death by +?x. I've found it to work on one mission, but never again. Nezha 4 Wisp 3 Nezha 2 (with reaping chakram of course) For those of you that understand what this will likely do. CryptoI wouldn't bother with umbral fiber, if you really want armor you're better off picking up health conversion from Simaris. What I'm doing to compensate for. Aim for flagellant set. Also safeguard is nice, but unneccesary. also for maxed umbra mods you need 3rd forma but i. Also, I feel that adding in a visual cue to enemies hit by Blazing Chakram could also benefit newer Nezha player in the long run. 5K subscribers Breach Surge andy back at it. The teleportation is a mediocre addition to the ability anyways since it only goes 20 meters. The damage buff is also multiplicative, just like Rhino's, at the cost of being limited to a few targets instead of the entire. Ensnare is chosen because it pulls large groups of enemies into a small area which can then be combined with Divine Spears and [Reaping Chakram] to nuke the entire group. Reaping Chakram. The damage from the Augment does NOT happen, damage is never doubled, while piercing is retained. Explore . Business, Economics, and Finance. 11. Update 21. augment it adds a nice amount of added survivibility while also being incredibly fun to play #8 < > Showing 1-8 of 8 comments . GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Reaping Chakram is a Warframe Augment Mod for Nezha that causes the projectile of Blazing Chakram to increase the caused damage for each enemy hit by the attack. Reaping Chakram is a Warframe Augment Mod for Nezha that causes the projectile of Blazing Chakram to increase the caused damage for each enemy hit by the attack. Which means I need to gather Health Orbs to increase my armor, which then in turn strengthens the. High efficiency, moderate range and strenght, 95% duration, great. Date Posted: Nov 10, 2018 @ 2:00pm. keep 1 active for crowd control. Streamline. Related Topics . Reaping Chakram. 584K subscribers in the Warframe community. Nezha - Tank/Reaping Chakram. Login Store Community Support Change language View desktop website. 2x damage for every enemy hits with blazing chakram and a 25% chance to drop a health orb which when picked up can give a max of 450 extra armor. And Nekros/despoil+health conversion and shield of shadows, ultra tank mode :)reaping chakram is a good example of a mod used to fix a power. High strength isn't that important because the augment doubles chakram's total damage and afterburn damage every hit, including hits on its way back to you. As it stands, the Operator glaive has a crazy amount of accuracy. Top posts of July 10,. I built MAX strength on Nezha and it barely handles anything over lvl 100. Equilbrium is fun but very unnecessary - at higher levels, tbh Hunter's Adrenaline shows (Rage) and Reaping Chakram Augment will drop all the energy you need. 2Unless you want him to do things that other frames normaly do better, like status immunity or damage reduction to squad mates. Blazing Chakram Augment: Each enemy hit increases the ring's Damage by 1. 00. Reaping Chakram. level 1 · 4 yr. Maglev and Rush are a must for me. Nezha appears in Journey to the West, under the command of his father Li Jing. Repelling Bastille. File:Nezha. Blazing Chakram Augment: Each enemy hit increases the ring's Damage by ?x and the chance for enemies to drop Health Orbs on death by +?x. 0 VOTES. You'll hit harder for like 20-30 seconds after inflicting frostbite on an enemy. by inexpensivegamer — last updated . This dude explains it well: It's simple math really. Reaping Chakram. ITEM RANK. Look up any guide about 2018-2019. I’ve been having a lot of fun with this Nezha build and I hope you will too. The current version is 263 so we should have the Notes feature :) Mehhh. His quiescent is ‘Frictionless’. Mostly duration, strength and 30% efficiency, also health conversion. So i recently made up my mind to build Nezha, but have no clear idea of how i should build him. I'd use Transient Fortitude + Intensify/Augur Secrets. 0:00 / 6:57 WARFRAME | REAPING CHAKRAM NEZHA - BUILD GUIDE 18,207 views May 13, 2021 330 Dislike Share Save L1fewater 11. i like to play solo because my internet and pc are both trash but playing rhino wukong and inaros gets boring after a whileDear Tennos, Im looking for some Nezha advice in how to play her, role, Ability synergy and weapons to use. Per page: 15 30 50. As someone who only plays Nezha with the reaping chakram augment, this is a big no from me. Use 4 and then 2 to multiply the number of blazing chakrams bouncing between enemies which. The first one is being Contagion Cloud which is what this Saryn setup is build around which creates a 5 meter toxic cloud which is affected by power range that deals 300 toxin damage a second which is affected by power strength for 12 second which is affected by power duration. Good self sustain. This build is one of the crafty warframe can be utilized at the commencement due to his apparent movement being a bit lubricious for most participants as Nezha inclines to drift. Harrow : Harrow can give the entire team a buff that restores energy per kill (and more on headshots), also temporary invulnerabilities and. its a mod that doesn't alter the ability as augments are supposed to do. Passive: Frictionless This ability is fine how. Breach Surge andy back at it again with another level cap! Reaping Chakram + Equilibrium + Breach Surge = GODLIKE! Also, infested level caps are BRUTAL. Augment: Blazing Chakram - Reaping Chakram; Increased Nezha's Blazing Chakram base Damage to 250. With Reaping Chakram and Divine Spears on tight groups, you get a surprising amount of damage out. Recall by holding would be nice. It really hurts the ability on the whole, and Reaping Chakram particularly becomes pretty much worthless. I have a high-everything Protea meant for spamming efficient artillery, unfortunately only 45% efficiency, so equilibrium (+synth fiber on companion) is a must have tu fully benefit from the dispensary. To best utilize reaping chakras aim for targets hit by divine spear because every target hit that is speared splits the chakram and increases the damage on subsequent target by 2x for each chakram that is why the first guy doesn’t take much damage but all the other targets start taking a lot more. Nezha Jinza Helmet. Blazing Chakram is already a stacked ability. Advertisement Coins. Business, Economics, and Finance. 551k members in the Warframe community. Available in Steel Meridian and Cephalon Suda Syndicates. Put some strength and throw on reaping chakram build and you win. Frostbite increases the damage taken from all sources if i remember correctly. Today I will show you Nezha Reaping Chakram Build that I’ve been using ever since they did the revisit. He's also purchasable from the dojo and acts as a Jack-of-all-Trades. Reaping Chakram: YES Demolysts take extra damage. Akkad, Hydron, Kuva Siphon, Kuva Floods, Rescues, Survivals, nothing. Blazing Chakram Augment: Each enemy hit increases the ring's Damage by ?x and the chance for enemies to drop Health Orbs on death by +?x. Additionally it increases the. Pyroclastic Flow and Reaping Chakram are both good too. Reaping Chakram is ok but like you said it’s just not really that noticeable, especially at higher levels. Report Save. What this mod does is make your chakram pass through enemies, multiplies its damage and further increases chance for health orbs to drop. I'm using Pyroclastic Flow to deal with stronger targets, and Reaping Chakram to cut down groups of enemies. Blazing Chakram is another great Power. PlayStation; Xbox; Switch; Mercado.